Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Diet vs. Lifestyle

Diet is a four letter word to dietitians like me. Why do I hate ‘diets’ so much? Because they don’t work! Or you lose weight quickly but it comes back on just as quick. Losing weight is not about an amazing diet plan, it’s about making changes that you can maintain and in return keep weight off.

Diets typically deprive you of certain foods and what happens when you know you can’t have something? You think about it and the more you think about it the more you want it and the less committed you become to your ‘diet’. Once you have that forbidden food, the guilt sets in. You feel like you failed. Then after some time you try a diet again hoping to lose the five extra pounds you put on after you last diet attempt. A diet sets you up for failure.

More successful weight loss comes from a change in your lifestyle. A lifestyle change means that there are small changes you make and that you can keep doing forever. You can’t live off eating only fruit but choosing to eat more fruit in your diet is something you can keep doing.

I leave you with my rule of two weeks. It seems that any change you start to make takes about two weeks for it to become enough of a habit that you will keep going. Research shows that it takes at least three weeks for a change to stick and three months for it to become a full habit. So don’t get discouraged if choosing more fruits and vegetables or other small changes are not easy at first. Stick with it! Try a change for at least two weeks!

What is a small, healthy change you can make in the foods you eat?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Intro and Exercise by Brittny Bird

Hello everyone! I am excited to blogging for you about eating healthy and losing weight. I love food! And that is one of the biggest reasons that I became a dietitian. I am a firm believer that all food can and should be enjoyed. The key is moderation. Churro every once in a while isn’t a bad thing; a churro everyday……not your best choice.

You are already taking strides to improve your health. Attending the Zumba and workout classes is fantastic!! Great job and keep it up! Physical activity is a huge part of slimming down. In fact, here are a few things that exercising does for you (
• Improves self-esteem and feelings of well-being
• Increases fitness level
• Helps build and maintain bones, muscles, and joints
• Builds endurance and muscle strength
• Enhances flexibility and posture
• Helps manage weight
• Lowers risk of heart disease, colon cancer, and type 2 diabetes
• Helps control blood pressure
• Reduces feelings of depression and anxiety
Being active and eating healthy go hand-in-hand in successful, long term weight loss. Look for some more of my tips and articles on making easy lifestyle changes. I look forward to sharing my knowledge with you!

Brittny Bird, RD