Thursday, November 11, 2010

Come Join us for a party and to get tested for HIV.  This will be full of fun and wear red if you can to support AIDS awareness

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


What is Cholesterol?
 Cholesterol is present in the foods that we eat. It also occurs naturally in our body and is produced by the liver. It is a fatty, wax-like substance and is essential for our bodies to function normally. It is present in the cells walls and membranes of the brain, nerves, heart, and skin.
What are the Dangers of Cholesterol? 
The main problem with having too much cholesterol in your body is that your risk for heart disease increases dramatically. This occurs because cholesterol can build up on the walls of the arteries that carry your blood. The build up that forms, overtime, causes less blood and oxygen to get to your heart. This can cause heart attacks and chest pain.

What is "Good" Cholesterol and "Bad" Cholesterol?
The good cholesterol in your body is called HDL (high density lipoprotein). HDL keeps the bad cholesterol from building up in your arteries by taking it out of your blood. The bad cholesterol is called LDL (low density lipoprotein). LDL is bad because it will build up on the walls of your arteries. When tested for high cholesterol, you want a low LDL number and a high HDL number.
What Should Be My Cholesterol Numbers?
Total Cholesterol Category
Less than 200 Desirable
200 - 239 Borderline High
240 and above High
What Makes My Cholesterol Go Up?
Foods such as meats, whole milk dairy products, egg yolks, and certain fish. Being overweight can make your good cholesterol go down and your bad cholesterol go up. The best way to insure low cholesterol levels is a balanced, healthy diet with excercise.